
Heart disease is New Zealand’s biggest killer, and this February the Heart Foundation is raising funds to aid in the fight against it. Nationwide, thousands of volunteers will be collecting donations during the month-long appeal.  More than 6,000 people die from heart disease in New Zealand every

Summer festivals are seriously good fun and what we're loving is how here in New Zealand more and more are becoming sustainable too. And as far as festivals with conscience go, nothing is more epic than Splore, taking place on February 17-19 at Tapapakanga Park, Auckland.   The

The consumer trend for trading toilet paper for wipes is constipating sewers worldwide. NZ company Cottonsoft Limited believes it has come up with a solution - flushable wipes that are also biodegradable and dispersable.  Fatbergs have been making the news a lot recently and the picture is not

Madam Woo are hosting a special banquet in celebration of Chinese New Year from January 28 to February 3 at their four locations across New Zealand  In celebration of Chinese New Year, Madam Woo is serving up a Chinese New Year Banquet with a unique twist on

Good's nutrition columnist Ben Warren of BePure shares his advice on being kind to your liver this silly season  Words Ben Warren. Illustration Janelle Barone, Makers MGMT As Christmas parties and long days at the bach approach I thought I’d give you some tips to survive and come out

This drink is not only pretty, it's delicious and refreshing too. You can make this alcoholic if you wish by adding 2 shots of vodka and 1 shot of white rum. Cheers!  Serves 2 Prepare 7 minutes seeds of ½ pomegranate juice of ½ lime handful mint leaves 1 tbsp honey 1

Dick Frizzell talks to Good about spectacles, artistic visions and charity. Words Carolyn Enting. It’s fair to say that artist Dick Frizzell has made a tangible difference in 2016. The sale of each pair of limited edition Frizzell Frames featuring his iconic woodgrain print for Specsavers saw

Now officially a carbon-neutral organisation via Enviro-Mark's certification programme.  Trilogy has a long-standing commitment to ethical, environmental and social responsibility, having supported charities and community groups for years, and has sustainability at the core of it's business practices. Angela Buglass, CEO of parent company Trilogy International Ltd recently spoke at the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit

Tiger entertainment venues are mainstream in Thailand, but is conservation the real focus behind the scenes?  Words Carolyn Enting I have a confession to make: I’ve had a tiger selfie in Thailand.  It wasn’t planned , and it felt wrong – morally, and because it contradicted the laws

The ability to entertain with flair is an enviable skill. Here are 26 tips to help you be the host or hostess with the mostess Words Sarah Heeringa. Styling Sarah Heeringa and Natalie Cyra. Photography Amanda Reelick. We’ve probably all asked ourselves at some point, ‘Why am

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