
A classic Kiwi sausage sizzle

Iconic underwear company, Thunderpants is delivering the ultimate Kiwi classic fundraiser, the Sausage Sizzle… with a twist. 

Quirky New Zealand underwear company Thunderpants love to do good, and their latest ‘Philanthropants’ project is no exception.

Each month Thunderpants’ Philanthropants features a new underwear design and campaign which supports a different charity. In September, a proportion of the sales from the latest Sausage Sizzle range will go to the Garden To Table charity, who deliver food to schools throughout New Zealand.

Garden to Table gives young people knowledge and appreication of growing season, good food in an environmentally sustainable garden, taking pride in harvesting, preparing and sharing it, says chef Al Brown who has collaborated with Thunderpants during September on the project.

In October, profits from the Sausage Sizzle range will go towards helping charity Parent Centre

Thunderpants say they were looking for ways to support more charities and taking on the fundraiser everyone knows and loves seemed like the perfect fit.

To purchase Sausage Sizzle Thunderpants on sale 1 September or to find out more about the project visit ​www.thunderpants.co.nz  

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