
Five Steps to Creating a Stress-Free Life

Now more than ever, mindfulness and mind management are crucial elements for a happy, healthy and successful life. How we care for ourselves, and how we react to difficult situations in life, will determine how stress affects our overall health, wellbeing and happiness. The key to being Stress-Free and thriving under pressure, is through continual self- awareness and self-regulation. It’s about recognising your thoughts and actively changing them where necessary.

One of the biggest human triggers is harbouring repeating fears, however this is something anyone can control with practice, and the results are instant and profound. When you become stressed, worried or fearful of what’s happened in the past or what may or may not happen in the future , you will often manifest anxiety, however once you begin to change that negative record playing over and over in your head and think differently, you start to feel differently, and then you do differently, and that can quite literally alter what’s happening in your body. Here are 5 steps to creating the best version of yourself, and leading a stress free life:

Step #1: Evaluate

The first step on your ‘Stress-Free’ journey is to evaluate yourself and your current life direction with courage and honestly. You are required to step outside of yourself and look within in order to gain clarity and see things from a new perspective. Where am I now? What are my goals, and where do I want to be? This requires a high level of reflection, self-awareness and genuine focus.

If you’re under stress, your internal compass will likely be off track, guiding you away from your TRUE NORTH and your highest excitement, so it’s time to re-evaluate. Being out of sync with yourself can create anxiety, depression, illness, or hardship in all areas of life, including your personal and professional relationships, your relationship with yourself, and your overall levels of happiness and fulfillment.

Step #2: Retrain

The power and impact of our individual thoughts is not part of any school curriculum or parental handbook, so we need to reprogram and retrain ourselves to understand and appreciate this. We are in control of our reality, and what we put out is what we get back. We are always creating – always, in all ways, and it all starts and ends with a thought. Once you retrain your brain and appreciate that your thoughts are choices that can be controlled, you’re back in the drivers seat of your life and your future.

Step #3: Clean

We are all born with naked purity and naturally high vibrations; however, as the years progress, most of us inevitably find ourselves rolling around in metaphorical mud with our energies diluted. Ingrained bad habits and limiting beliefs can take hold of us in so many negative ways, so we need to clean down our minds and clean out anything from your internal world and your external world that is no longer working for you. The goal is to clean away everything you’ve taken on from others that is no longer helping you, being left with the raw and unadulterated energy sources that we all share at birth: love, self-acceptance, empathy, and self-expression.

Step #4: Dream

Most people who find themselves somewhere in life that they don’t want to be are there because they haven’t got a clear vision of what they really want, or even if they do, they have probably lost focus and are now being driven by stress or fear. Allow yourself to keep dreaming, to keep choosing, to keep designing, and jump for life and dreams at every opportunity. You’ve only got one life as you and you have been put here to create a fulfilling and amazing life that you are so worthy of. When you follow your dreams you are fulfilled and stress no longer inhibits your happiness. Be courageous and stay true to and trusting of your heart.

Step #5: Live

To truly live, we must live with Heart. New studies are showing that the human heart is the strongest biological generator of electrical fields and magnetic fields in the human body, and when we have a feeling in our heart, we are actually creating the electrical and magnetic waves that change the quality of the atoms of our world. They literally interrupt the flow of space and time and rearrange the stuff this world is made of. The heart, it seems, truly is our MOST powerful creator AND it literally has the means to manifest our reality!

Richard Maloney

Richard Maloney is the author of Stress Free – How to Thrive Under Pressure in Unprecedented Times. He is the CEO of Quality Mind Global, an international mindfulness business with over 500 clients in 30+ countries and founder of the #1 employee engagement licensing company in the world, Engage & Grow Global. Find out more about Richard at qualitymindglobal.com.

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